Year: Super Senior
Position: Cutter
Superpower: The ability to fly
Animal aspiration: Monkey!
Fact: She hates multiples of 5
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
Year: Senior
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Unlimited eating capabilities
Animal aspiration: Blue Whale
Fact: "One time I ran into a brick wall. Now I have a Harry Potter scar."
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"Juicy pear Jelly Bellys. cause it would make me giggle to roll around in them and they are nice to eat".
Estelle "Princess" Taquet #4
Year: Sophomore
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Producing money from her hands
Animal aspiration: Wild Horse
Fact: "I laugh all the time for absolutely no reason."
Most Embarassing Moment?
"In Madison i was volunteering for a race and i saw a cone that looked out of line so i fixed it. Turns out it was the turn-around mark for the 5k instead of doing the 10k. Runners eventually turned around a little farther down but a guy came back to complain that he got marked off the lead because he took the wrong turn. Nobody found out it was me, I was so ashamed of it".
Emily Karobolis #28
Year: Grad Student
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Invisibility
Animal aspiration: Turtle
Fact: She is adopted and the middle child of her adopted family.
Year: Super Senior
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Control over water
Animal aspiration: Dinosaur
Fact: Sings "Hey Ya" by Outkast at karaoke, every time.
Most Embarrasing Moment:
"At swim practice in high school. I was getting ready to dive off the blocks and my friend behind pulled my swimsuit up into my butt crack. I swam 4 laps with a swimsuit wedgie."

Iansa Zaldarriaga #5
Year: Senior
Position: Handler, Co-Captain
Superpower: Elasticity
Animal aspiration: Bunny
Fact: She can roll her tummy, like a belly dancer
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"Jelly Beans - they're really good, and I think they would be fun to move around in."

Tracie Anderson #45
Year: Junior
Position: Cutter
Superpower: The ability to smell farts before they occur.
Animal aspiration: Hawk
Fact: "One of my goals in life is to star on an'll happen one day. Remember my face."
Year: Sophomore
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Omnipresence
Animal aspiration: Flying Squirrel
Fact: She just drank a smoothie
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"Friends (including sol duh) because they make me all happy inside :) hooray".

Melissa "Brownie, Brown Dog" Brown #7
Year: Sophomore
Position: Handler
Superpower: Can fly
Animal aspiration: Snow Leopard
Fact: Dwayne Wade is her man, so stay away!
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"Ultimate Frisbee discs! what else? I've never had a passion for the game like I have ultimate. Everyone is so friendly and I feel like that I can be myself and no one cares. It's so laid back and I love being a part of the Ultimate World!!"
Heather "H" Wroten #41
Year: Junior
Position: Cutter, Co-Captain
Superpower: Ability to grant wishes (genie?)
Animal aspiration: Kinkajou (cute, fuzzy, with big eyes)
Fact: Did martial arts for 11 years and taught at the age of 14
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"ICE CREAM!!!!! Because ice cream is fantasical and I would swim in it naked. bahahaha or just eat it either way..."

Bethany "Beef" Mitch #10
Year: Sophomore
Position: Cutter, Captain-in-training
Superpower: Teleportation
Animal aspiration: Lion
Fact: She was born feet first
Caty Ferris #34
Year: Freshman
Position: Handler
Superpower: The ability to never get tired
Animal aspiration: Penguin (or squirrel)
Fact: She's lived in 8 different places (7 states, 1 country)
Most Embarrassing Moment:
"My mom had the entire train we were riding to the Grand Canyon, sing Happy Birthday to me when I was 10. They even brought out a guy to sing with a guitar!"
Year: Sophomore
Position: Handler
Superpower: Flight
Animal aspiration: Wolf
Fact: Loves peanut butter w/ banana toast
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be? Puppies
Year: Freshman
Position: Handler
Superpower: Flying
Animal aspiration: Ferret
Fact: She is a Gold Award Girl Scout
Most Embarassing Moment:
"Recently? Last friday when it snowed like crazy and i was running down the big stairs to lower,(yeah not sure why I decided running was the optimal choice) I slipped and fell crashing down the stairs and got my pants/boots sopping wet. Awkward stares AND it hurt."

Melissa "George" Jordan #23
Year: Senior
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Flying and skying the crap out of everyone and your mom
Animal Aspiration: Cheetah (she wants to know what it's like to run 70mph)
Fact: She crashed a moped and it had no effect on her invincible legs
Most Embarassing Moment:
"When I was in 8th grade, we were in the weight room for gym class. I was on the ab bars where you swing your legs up and down to work your abs. A friend was with me and we were talking. I was explaining something to her and I accidentely spit on her and it was quite large. She started freaking out so I started to laugh pretty hard. She began freaking out even more and ran at me and hit my stomach. Well, I was having trouble not peeing bc I was laughing and when she hit my stomach.... that was bad news. I ran to the nearest corner and finish releasing the liquid in my bladder. She was wondering why I ran to the corner and then realized the mat under me was wet. I told her not to tell and had her cover me while I ran to the locker room to change out of my shorts and stay there until class was over. IT WAS GREAT!!!!!- ps you better share the rest of the teams moments or at least the best ones at the christmas party!!!"

Jess "Holla" Haller #24
Year: Senior
Position: Handler/Cutter
Superpower: Ability to move objects with her mind
Animal aspiration: Eagle
Fact: She loves wakeboarding
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
Brit Gartner #11
Year: Junior
Position: Handler, Co-Captain
Superpower: Invisibility
Animal aspiration: Puppy (not a dog, a puppy)
Fact: Sensitive to scents. Extremely attached to her pillow and its scent.
Most Embarassing Moment:
"I recently found myself in a prank war against several of my teammates. During lecture one day with 40 other students I had a guy dramatically burst into the room and read a poem about me. He the proceeded to propose (as I was anticipating a prank being returned by the way). I wasn't that embarassed that it happened, but the fact that everyone was so confused as to what was going on."
Alex "Schmal" Lindstrom #12
Year: Freshman
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Teleportation
Animal aspiration: Dolphin
Fact: She is the baby of her family
If you could have a room full of anything, what would it be?
"Sounds kind of greedy lol but money! I'm SO broke right now and a room full of money would totally solve A LOT of my problems and stress."

Year: Freshman
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Teleportation
Animal aspiration: Impala (not the car)
Fact: She loves juice, SO MUCH
Most Embarrassing Moment:
"When I was younger, I was in gymnastics for only a year. I tried a lot of new things at that age and so this was one activity that I wanted to try. Of course, everybody else in it started when they were three because their mum's were crazy insane, so when I was a newbie in second grade I was definitely behind. I didn't have any awesome gymnastic outfits either, so I showed up to practice once a week in jeans and a tee shirt. One day, we were practicing head stands and of course, my shirt fell down to my neck. Girls pointed and laughed. It was sad and then to top it all off my mum showed up late so I was in the parking lot alone sitting on the curb afterwards."
Michelle "Mitchy" Markquardt #52
Year: Freshman
Position: Handler
Superpower: Ability to play every musical instrument known to mankind
Animal aspiration: Giraffe
Fact: She bought a packet of hair ties at the beginning of the school year and still has every single one
Most Embarassing Moment:
"I'm not really embarassed very easily, but I was embarassed one time. I was going to physical therapy because I had sprained my ankle badly and my physical therapist was this girl's (who I sorta knew. We were sorta friends) dad who is pretty handsome older dude. All the mom's secretly swoon over him because he dresses really well and likes to exercise a lot and he's really nice and funny too! Anyways, so this one day, I went in and they said I could go back and see him, so I did. He happened to be wearing these shoes that I had many times looked at in this shoe catalogue because they really confused me. I just thought they were really weird and sorta ugly and I couldn't understand why anyone would buy them. So I first saw him and then I saw and then with my peripheral vision, I saw his shoes and my eyes went from his face to his shoes real fast. Basically I totally checked him out, but actually he was just wearing weird shoes that actually looked good on him. He totally noticed."
Meredith Bray #32
Year: Sophomore
Position: Handler
Superpower: Fire power!!!
Animal aspiration: Dog
Fact: She's done professional voice over work
Most Embarassing Moment:
"Completely back flopping in the math hallway in front of the guy I liked in high school when a friend of mine hit my backpack and the weight of it tipped me over."

Meghan "Schneids" Schneider #2
Year: Freshman
Position: Cutter
Superpower: Captain Planet
Animal aspiration: Cheetah
Fact: Grew up on a farm
Most Embarassing Moment:
"I don't get embarrassed easily.. but! At my high school graduation, we decided to be he rebel children and throw our hats. Well all went well and I threw my hat but i picked one up off the ground for reasons i can not explain and threw it WAY later than the rest of my classmates... It took a nasty curve and took out the super intendant. MY BAD! the entire Gym gasped and made a big deal about no matter how much i tried to shush them. Even worse... my mom has it on tape.. and she shows it to EVERYONE! haha kinda funny but very embarrassing because that is how many people start conversations with me."
Whitney "Whit" Esson #25
Year: Senior
Position: Handler
Superpower: Flight
Animal aspiration: Eagle
Fact: She LOVES movies