If you are a current or incoming student to UW-Eau Claire and are looking to be apart of something awesome, check out SOL, the UWEC Women's Ultimate Frisbee Team!
We have a
tradition of excellence and the 2009-2010 season will be no exception. We are looking for potential players with athleticism, commitment, enthusiasm for the sport of ultimate. Lot's of experience? Awesome! No experience? Don't worry! We'll work hard to give you all the tools you'll need to be a successful ultimate player. We can teach you how to throw, catch, and run plays. If you like to work hard and have fun, SOL is the team for you.

Our practice schedule will be posted on this site soon, as well as tourneys and conditioning.
Anticipated Fall Tournament Schedule:- Hucktoberfest (Whitewater, WI)
- No Wisconsequences (October 17-18 in Delafield, WI)
- Eau Claire Chillout (October 24-25 in Eau Claire, WI)
- Missouri Loves Company (TBA in Columbia, MO)
For more information, please e-mail the 2009-2010 co-captains: Robyn Fennig (fennigrm@uwec.edu); Anna Hettler (mailto:hettleaw@uwec.edu; Beth Wright (wrightea@uwec.edu)
Check back soon for more information about pick up and practices soon!
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