"One of my former High School Coach's once told me 'The people you respect the most are the people you feel like you can say anything to'. The ability to openly speak your mind, whether it's a positive or negative thought, creates an often rare respect between two people. Having the ability to play under and lead with Pat Niles has presented me with the opportunity to push myself to be a better leader." - Brit Gartner
For the past 3 years, the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire Women's program has fallen just short from making it to Nationals in the game to go. Last year, Sol felt that with the strong players we had that it was our best shot at Nationals in our programs short history. We didn't make it and graduated our 3 best players. With a shallow roster, graduating 3 players put Sol in a position for 2011 to be a rebuilding year.
I guess in some ways this year has been a rebuilding year. But the height we have rebuilt to in one year is much higher than every single person would have thought possible. Pat has been a great Coach for Sol. You can track the progress this team has made all year. Pat has helped us to focus on improving within each game and when one tournament ends focus is directed to the next. He knew it would take a lot of work to push each member of this Ultimate family in order to help us continue being one of the best teams in the North Central Region. He has pushed us to refuse being complacent. Nothing you have done up to any point you are at matters in the big picture if you do not continue to improve and perform better each time. His willingness to put in countless hours planning weekly practices and monthly timelines of where we need to be has helped put Sol in the position we currently find ourselves in—D-I Lake Superior Conference Champions.

Pat once told our team, "If the outcome of the game was determined by the name on your jersey no one would play Ultimate. There is always a team that is "better" and should win. You play Ultimate because there is always a chance your team can win." He cares about the individual progress that each of the ladies on Sol has been able to make this whole year, just as much as he cares about the success our team hopes to achieve. Pat's enthusiasm for pushing our team to reach the highest level we can reach makes each girl on this team thankful for his willingness to continue coaching Sol. To me, the difference between a group of people that can call themselves a team and one that can call themselves a family is that they have a prominent desire to be around each other outside of the required time for their activity. Sol has generally been a close team from the previous two years I have been a member. This year has honestly been the closest I have ever seen our team, thus making us truly a family. Pat has been a big advocate of us spending time with each other all year with his participation never being questioned, as there is no chance he would miss out! Helping us understand how important it is to actually care about and get along with each of your teammates has allowed Sol to mesh not only off the field, but also while playing.

Every College Ultimate player makes many sacrifices, but coaches give up just as much as their players—Pat being no exception. Giving up weekend plans to be at tournaments, spending money out of pocket to help pay for travel/food/lodging and giving up weekday plans to be at practices. Pat has gone above and beyond those expectations in planning practices, coming early and staying late to help on an individual level, and attending far too many hours of dance practice to help our team reach every goal we set (even the non-ultimate goal of repeating as CenTex Dance Champions). All of these actions have helped build the Sol family. Pat Niles has done great things with Sol this year—try to tell me that you would have picked Sol to win their Conference and have come this far since the beginning of the season, because I doubt you can.
Pat Niles made a decision to coach our team this year after considering a move to the Twin Cities for a new job. We appreciate his choice to stay with our team and help us grow together this year. Pat Niles is known as many things. World Champion. Top notch singer and dancer. Best friend. Ultimate lifer. Yet to SOL he has been all of those things as well as a great coach.
Thanks Pat. We love you!
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