Monday, March 8, 2010

SOL Bracelets

Are you a SOL fan? Even just a little bit? Then you will want to get your wrists around one of our super tight SOL bracelets! We are not selling this RARE item online - they will be coming to a tournament near you.

How much? 2 dollars.

Why? To support SOL!

How? You must find a member of SOL in order to purchase this one of a kind accessory! Or I'm sure you all know how to use some sort of social networking system by now.

Where? Philly Classic, Chicago Invite, Women's Centex (Sections and Regions too, but you should probably have one by then)

Here are our wrist models posing our super trendy bracelets. Note, the braided one is mine and of course not for sale. They are even more rare and you must only ask Brit Gartner of SOL to get one of those...

It would be awesome if you can help our team out and greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Martha, you are absolutely correct. They are bomb-tastic.
