At practice last night in Zorn, I have come to the realization that Mariah Dorner has improved tremendously. That girl catches everything and anything. She is really coming into her own, and it is not overlooked at all. She is making ridiculous grabs left and right, coming down with things like you wouldn't believe.
Second, SOL has taken up a new endeavor: we go to yoga as a team on Tuesday/Thursday mornings when we do not have 6 am practice. Our newest, and super tall, addition to the team, Brooke Fahrenkrog, is a certified yoga instructor and happens to teach free classes at the YMCA. After doing a few sprints on the Olson track at 6:30 am, we headed to the Y to experience our first class as a team.
See my SOLmates bright and early on Thursday morning!
even for ultimate, I would not wake up at 6 to go to yoga. not a chance