Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Cool Squad

Robyn and I ate at the caf, again, tonight after practice. Paula joined us. We love getting on campus-ers to buy us dinner two to three times a week. I had three plates of food. If anyone can prove me wrong, I think I eat more than anyone I know.

So, on Sunday night Brit and I went to the library to work on homework and instead talked about ultimate for two plus hours. We wished we had wings on our feet to help us run faster and jump higher than everyone. All in all, we decided it was necessary for her and I to start practicing outside of practice in order to get these wings. Therefore, we started The Cool People's Club and have a pact to make time to atleast throw everyday. After an inviting and unnecessarily long email was proposed from Brit and I, five people showed up on Monday and it was awesome. Thank you Jess, Kate, Jen, Brit and myself. We rule!


  1. Im totally in The Cool People's Club... everyone else is missing out. :)

  2. WOW...apparently I've never shown up for any of those...oh wait..EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!! Haha
