Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sections off the field, Cool Squad tries new things.

The way Martha sees it:

As I hop into a car with fellow team members Whitney Esson, Anna Hettler, and our dear old coach Pat Niles, I had my mind set on one thing for the weekend: Ultimate. A wide variety of over 62 Disney songs may have been listened to on the way to the Whitewater area. Pat could have known every word to every song I chose, including non-Disney tunes. Really Pat? Anyway, we all nestled and got close at Roxie's humble residence where I learned one thing: Everyone of us CAN and WILL snore. Iansa might be the worst, however everyone has been told they are guilty. Yes Brit, even you snore. Tracie..we'll get you one of these days. Even when you think you can escape the room full of snoring and switch sleeping locations, you might find the next one to be just as bad. But even then, YOU are the one snoring claiming you can't sleep because of it...cough*Steph Zinken*cough. I also learned that Tracie needs a sleeping bag that doesn't look like a tube sock and is as thin as silk with a giant print of "Where's Waldo" on it. No wonder you got cold. I think J-Gro cuddled with me a little in the night on the floor, and Brit said she couldn't sleep if she wasn't able to see me. Alright kiddos.

As far as ultimate goes, I can't stop loving the game. The first day of sections was beyond perfect weather and I could not have been more pumped to play. The second was a little colder and rainier, but there is nothing like laying out for a disc in the rain. I had fun in every game we played, especially against Madison. Those girls really bring it and I loved every point no matter who scored. Those are the games our team grows from. These games challenge our team and overall I think we played pretty well. I learn from every game of ultimate I play, and I can say that I learned a lot this weekend and am very excited for our team to play at regionals.

Beyond playing, my SIS this weekend was Roxie who made me a sick sign ;) and an adorable flip book of my short stick figure self skying a taller stick person. Thanks for believing in me Roxie. It's happened before, who is to say it won't again? Awesome motivation.

The objective now is to dominate at regionals, and this weeks practices looks as if they will be windy ones. SOL played incredibly in the fall at No Wisconsequences with some gnarly wind and somehow came on top so top, so hopefully the way we played those games is the same if not better. Cool squad was a bit sore from the weekend but still met and get this, tried a new sport. Basketball? Turns out Brit is the only real one with basketball skills, and Robyn can throw a little white chocolate here and there but overall sucks. Jess lacks skills as well, but surpasses Robyn in the mental game. Cool squad goes to the library. Surprise surprise, noone accomplishes anything when half of the ultimate frisbee team are the dominant students on the second floor of the library. I switched to first.

Anyway, I wish anyone and everyone good luck with balancing school and ultimate this next week. Only three more weeks of school.

(pictures to come later)

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